The rupee opened at 63.54, with the weakness of 8 paise. rupee weakness has occurred with the introduction. Indian rupee against the dollar, with the weakness of 8 paise at 63.54 is open. Tuesday rupee had closed at 63.46.
Beginning of rupees: Rupee against the dollar, Rs. 63.54 against Rs 63.46 per dollar open. Euro Crisis is ready. According to Merrill Lynch ✍bank America Greece crisis has a direct impact on the rupee. Rate hikes by the Federal Reserve will have an impact on the rupee. HDFC Bank to join the emerging economy by the Federal Reserve rate hikes may have a bearing on the rupee. Although its performance would be better than the other currencies which have more than Rs Overvalued.
According to HDFC, Thailand, Indonesia's currency are worth far more than Overvalued. It is also certain that the record high foreign exchange reserves due to Reserve Bank will not be more difficult to handle the money. Bank of America is estimated at Rs 65 below the level of the Reserve Bank to keep the sale of $ 15 billion could make. According to the expert steps taken by the government to reduce the deficit and inflation stability are better than even odds. Direct effect of Greece, the Fed also possible relief experts are assuming that the international signal in the future may also be in favor of the rupee.
According to experts expect Greece to resolve the crisis remains. While crude oil prices are also signs of stability. To recent data, the US economy is expected to experts, given that the Federal Reserve will take a decision soon on rate hikes. According to IDBI Federal Reserve to hike up to the end of the year could choose.
According to him, the effect of winter in the US remains to be seen. The production is significantly affected by severe cold, In the US for some time has been badly affected by snow storms. Experts are assuming that the Fed is currently awaiting a few more quarters. Euro close to the actual price. Experts believe that the rupee-dollar price close to your right and it's not much Overvalued.
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